Spiritual Coaching

Trying times for sure. One need not be a “Jedi” Master to navigate this world, but it sure would help! In my opinion, the most important skill I can help you with is finding your personal way of confidently and intuitively “knowing” the answers to every question you may have. Yes! EVERY question.

With Spiritual Coaching, we explore habits, thought patterns, and behaviors that are playing out in your life right now. Many of these patterns are unconscious and create stagnation, false identities, and blocks to “getting” your own inner guidance and expressing your true self.

You want to be clear of these blocks… to know yourself from that clearer place. As I am guided, I teach you simple intuitive guidance tools to help you discover your blocks, neutralize them, change your programming, build your inner knowing and receive your own clear guidance - in all situations.

And remember you all, this is a practice. The more you practice………

Just sayin’, and this is also some work - some discipline in the name of SELF-LOVE. Are you worth it? Heck YES!

Book a Spiritual Coaching Session

Fill out the contact form below to book a Spiritual Coaching appointment. Pick 3 different dates & times you are available and write them in the form below. (Appointments are booked: Sunday, Tuesday or Thursday, 11 am, 1 pm, 2:30, 4, & 6 pm EST).

Once I receive your date & times request, you will receive an appointment confirmation email and invoice. Payment is due upon receipt of invoice to hold the appointment time. Payment link will be included with your emailed invoice.

The Spiritual Coaching is a phone or zoom appointment (your choice) and @ $90/40-minutes.

If you feel comfortable working with me and you’d like to continue doing so, packages are available for meeting on a bi-weekly or monthly basis. Four, 40-minute sessions for $333.

To book your appointment(s), fill out the form below and click SEND.

When I receive your request I will reply by email confirming which appointment time and send you an invoice. Your appointment is scheduled when invoice is paid.

Gift Certificates

Know someone who is curious about their past lives or would love to develop their intuitive skills? Or someone who is currently struggling and could use some direction and clarity? A coaching session or past life reading could help them move forward in their life with more confidence and purpose!

To purchase your Spiritual Coaching Gift Certificate(s), Click on the Gift Certificates button below.

When I receive your request I will send you an invoice and any questions I might have. Your gift certificates are sent at payment of invoice.


Terms: Payment is due upon receipt of invoice to hold the appointment time. Paid appointments cancelled 48 + hours before the scheduled time, can be rescheduled. If you cancel and reschedule more than one (1) time, there is an additional $20 fee.

Invoices paid less than 24 hours before the mutually agreed upon appointment time, may need to be rescheduled. No refund for readings given, readings interrupted by you, or “no shows”.

Note: Spiritual Coaching Sessions are for the purpose of spiritual evolution. You are a self-sovereign being and all decisions and changes to be made in your life are your sole responsibility and choice. Any suggestions made during a Spiritual Coaching Session are suggestions only and your responsibility to incorporate into your life or not - as only you can determine. Take only what resonates and leave the rest.

Guidelines for Spiritual Coaching Sessions

Please honor yourself, myself and the spiritual helpers by relaxing in a quiet, private place with no interruptions, music, or other people. Be open to hearing some new ideas. Write down some questions beforehand, take notes.

This is sacred work and a gift from the universe. Before we begin, I call in help and protection from both our Higher Selves and Compassionate Helpers and ask for help from Mother Earth and Father God. We will discuss where you are on your path, incorporate different divination modalities and arrive at one that fits you now.

I will also teach you spiritual tools you can use in your everyday life to clear the patterns and blocks and develop confidence in your own intuitive abilities.

You will independently work everyday with the tools after the coaching sessions, (feeling self-sovereign and empowered) to recognize and release old patterns and answer your own questions. As you work with the tools and they become habit, they will help you to trust yourself while making your inner guidance grow stronger and clearer.