

A person who seeks by contemplation and self-surrender to obtain unity with or absorption into the Deity or the absolute, or who believes in the spiritual apprehension of truths that are beyond the intellect.

LeeAnne Smith - Aqua Age Mystic

Hello and welcome!
I am LeeAnne, the Aqua Age Mystic - a psychic, empath, catalyst, overly helpful person and a lifelong seeker of truth. Memories of other lives lived come through me for myself and others. I have studied for many years with a wide variety of spiritual teachers (see below) and am a practitioner of Self Love - a conscious focus to stay true to oneself.

In my opinion, the most empowering and helpful tool I can teach you, is to intuit the truth of any situation for yourself. Clearing blocks and getting clear inner guidance is a skill that can be taught. From my own life I can attest that it makes life less complicated and stressful. You ask within, let go, guidance comes and you act. Simple.


I have discovered the core of many issues/challenges I am experiencing now, originated in other lives I’ve lived. I see the original lifetime that the distorted programming went online and can rewrite the programming based on self-love instead of fear and self denial. This work changes all the lifetimes and I’ve found it makes your current life flow more easily.

I am a bit different than other readers as I’ve not been trained in a specific “past life reading” modality. I ask for help, surrender and the visions and answers that come through often surprise me. I don’t have limitations on how to do this spiritual work, and what is possible. I believe “all is possible,” and everyone is unique and there’s an infinite number of possible lifetimes. It’s exciting to share these richly detailed life experiences, and personally satisfying to be of service in this way. The readings open a window into another you, helping you understand and appreciate yourself more fully — love yourself better.


Experiences and Self-Directed Study

My first teachers were experiences… and they were magical!

I have always followed my own path and learned at my own pace from teachers and information I have been drawn to. My search for truth began at the age of 12 when I found and read the channeled “Seth Speaks” books by Jane Roberts. I took classes in New Thought with Marcella Davis at Christ Universal Temple, Chicago, then was drawn to Native American traditional spiritual practices. Participated in my first Vision Quest & Sweat Lodge with Lakota Sioux Cynthia Hart (Golden Bear) and studied psychic development and Cherokee Bodywork with Eve Sakamoto Krist.

I did Sweat Lodges and Medicine Wheel Ceremonies, am an Ordained Minister of Universal Life Church, a Reiki Master, and Holothropic Breathworker. I practice different kinds of emotional release work including E.F.T. (Emotional Freedom Technique).

Self-directed, I studied dream interpretation delving into the Edgar Cayce readings and studied published authors on this subject including Patricia Garfield, Ph.D. and Carl Jung. I am an avid dream journaler.


Don Campbell introduced me to “Toning” - a healing modality to release blocks, open personal energy channels and access other dimensions by using sound and your voice. Introduced and participated in more vocal healing, chanting the sacred prayers of Mantras, at Unity Church.

As a member of the Association of Research and Enlightenment, the A.R.E., I studied the archived past life readings, that came through founder Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet. Through the A.R.E., I participated in Past Life Regression work with Henry Leo Bolduc and the “Mother of Holistic Medicine”, Dr. Gladys McGarey, and took workshops in Psychic Development with Henry Reed and Linda Schiller Hanna,

Always a truth-seeker, I found the multi-dimensional Quantum Physics work of Ashayana (A’Esha) Deane, in 2000, and work with her spiritual development techniques daily. My newest interest and studies involve the Quantum Healing work of Dr. Joe Dispenza. I enjoy connecting with like-minded community through Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness group.

I am also an artist, video producer, screenwriter & food product inventor.

It’s an exciting time to be!